Ulmus parvifolia – Chinese Elm



Ulmus parvifolia – Chinese Elm

HEIGHT: 8-12m

WIDTH: 10-15m

*height & width at maturity

FORM: Spreading

FOLIAGE: Attractive small glossy green leaves change to yellow in Autumn and will hold on the softly arching branches until late Winter.

BARK: Peeling bark reveals attractive patches of yellows, greys and pinky brown.

 DESCRIPTION: The Chinese Elm is a large, hardy, semi-deciduous spreading tree growing to a height of 12 metres. Excellent shade tree. Makes a handsome feature tree. Also a wonderful choice for avenue planting.

 LANDSCAPE USES: Used for parks and street plantings and larger gardens.

 TOLERANCES: Suitable to most soil conditions. Plant in well drained soil in full sun, mulch and water well.

 TREE CARE: Plant in a well drained and well worked soil. Take care to plant the bud union above the soil level. Water in well and keep soil moist until tree is established. Fertilize when planting and again after new growth appears. Prune tree when planting to encourage new growth but then generally not required after this. For best results use a mulch layer around plants to retain soil moisture but never right up against the trunk.