Frost Tolerant
Showing 49–64 of 177 results
Callistemon citrinus- Pink Champagne
$45.00Clear25cm pot (10" pot) -
Callistemon viminalis ‘Captain Cook’
$11.95Clear14cm Pot -
Callistemon viminalis ‘Dawson River Weeper’
$45.00 Add to cart -
Carpinus betulus – Hornbeam
$230.00Clear45L bag / 40cm pot -
Carpinus betulus fastigiata – Upright Hornbeam
$130.00 – $550.00Clear150L bag33cm pot / 12" pot45L bag / 40cm pot -
Cercis canadensis – Redbud
$45.00 – $130.00Clear25cm pot (10" pot)33cm pot / 12" pot -
Cercis siliquastrum – Judas Tree
$45.00 – $230.00Clear25cm pot40cm pot / 45lt bag33cm pot / 12" pot -
Cornus controversa ‘June Snow’
$130.00 – $230.00Clear33cm pot / 12" pot45L bag / 40cm pot -
Cornus florida alba – White Dogwood
$45.00 – $230.00Clear25cm pot (10" pot)33cm pot / 12" pot45L bag / 40cm pot -
Cornus kousa – Weaver’s Weeping
$130.00Clear33cm pot / 12" pot -
Cornus kousa var. chinensis
$45.00 – $230.00Clear25cm pot (10" pot)33cm pot / 12" pot45L bag / 40cm potBare Root -
Cornus kousa x Cornus capitata ’Eric Gennet’
$130.00 – $230.00Clear40cm pot / 45lt bag33cm pot / 12" pot -
Cotinus coggygria purpureus Purple Smokebush
$25.00Clear25cm pot (10") -
Crataegus laevigata- Pauls Scarlet Hawthorn
$130.00Clear33cm pot / 12" pot -
Cumquat – Calamondin
$130.00 – $230.00Clear40cm pot / 45lt bag33cm pot / 12" pot