Cornus – Eddie’s White Wonder



Cornus – Eddie’s White Wonder

HEIGHT: 5.0m

WIDTH: 4.0m

*height & width at maturity

FORM: Vase Shaped

FOLIAGE: Bright green leaves change to brilliant orange-scarlet in Autumn.

FLOWERS:  Large showy white flowers in Spring.

DESCRIPTION: A very decorative upright tree with slightly pendulous branches. Large showy white flowers are produced in late spring. Bright green leaves gradually change to brilliant orange-scarlet autumn foliage. Red fruits will attract birds to your garden.

LANDSCAPE USES: An ideal feature tree for the smaller garden.

TOLERANCES: Suitable for cooler climates.

TREE CARE: Plant in a well drained and well worked soil. Take care to plant the bud union above the soil level. Water in well and keep soil moist until tree is established. Fertilize when planting and again after new growth appears. Prune tree when planting to encourage new growth.